Senin, 07 Juni 2010

Response to the previous post

In response to the comments received about the last post in getting off a parking ticket, I thought I'd add a further example of how it's possible to get a good outcome without abuse, no matter how satisfying it is to let rip!

This event occurred a few years back when out of the blue, we received a letter from some solicitors regarding an unpaid veterinarian bill which had nothing at all to do with us. This is the letter: Click to enlarge


 As it was close to Christmas, a charitable response was called for:


 I was delighted with the response from the solicitors and surprised that upholders of the law actually had a sense of humour!


 Sonja and Bobscoot:  My services are way cheaper than a solicitor.  A small block of dark chocolate will be adequate recompense ;-)

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